Update Store
Method : PATCH
URL : https://open.revenuemonster.my/v3/store/1662168764176583360
Sandbox URL : https://sb-open.revenuemonster.my/v3/store/1662168764176583360
To update a specific store under the merchant. Specify store_id
in your query.
Request Parameters
The URL is consists of
Pass in
Store ID
in your query
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
merchantSettlementId | String | No | Linkage with payment settlement account | |
name | String | Yes | Store Name | "REVENUE MONSTER" |
addressLine1 | String | Yes | Store Address 1 | "B-5-30, 5th Floor, Block Bougainvillea," |
addressLine2 | String | No | Store Address 2 | "PJU 6A, Lebuhraya SPRINT, 10 Boulevard," |
postCode | String | Yes | Postcode of store | "47400" |
city | String | Yes | City of store | "Petaling Jaya" |
state | String | Yes | State of store | "Selangor" |
country | String | Yes | Country of store | "Malaysia" |
countryCode | String | Yes | Country code of store contact number | "60" |
phoneNumber | String | Yes | Phone number of store | "377334080" |
geoLocation | Object of [Float] | No | Geo Location (latitude and longitude) of store | {"latitude": 3.1349857, "longitude": 101.6136659 } |
Example Request
curl --location --request PATCH "https://sb-open.revenuemonster.my/v3/store/1662168764176583360" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjIwMTgtMDMtMTMiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJhdWQiOlsiKiJdLCJleHAiOjE1MjE2MjkyNTYsImlhdCI6MTUyMTYyMjA1NywiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9zYi1vYXV0aC5yZXZlbnVlbW9uc3Rlci5teSIsImp0aSI6IkVod0tFRTlCZFhSb1FXTmpaWE56Vkc5clpXNFF5cmYza3EzTDY4QnoiLCJuYmYiOjE1MjE2MjIwNTcsInN1YiI6IkVoUUtDRTFsY21Ob1lXNTBFSlhWemQzd3JhcVRPUklRQ2dSVmMyVnlFSXlKcUl6dnlNUFZjUSJ9.dJknY9MZHLNrKx1p7gZxS0_oA3uXLWplDU1r1dpwxIbmdB6yw4tQBTXKlWArDfKLlBDn6v22_gT5Px7sdCMj7e5M9eRoJoMnoPnslgYpmJJ5kjqAbKU7dUxKb1OzFLrvmtSK9r-FRLVtMFHioWYpwgSvSPBgZ6lAYkUyDzH7aKadFYtQcBuJR0hlq2CXtP0mzbHOeu2q6giONf3E5-XqS8lLRtuHPAbJ7_YFwo0Oe2zc6h05IOocmx_NvBVPfDBnuygTU063h70Q987MYeGDV_Os4N6N_I4b-GoHprEPtmntB1RJPrFrY28hvvoUfDHXHZVXT1GlrsozrkWV4EjbTw" \
--header "X-Signature: sha256 Uf8oEHcq3l5ZkPc/y9eUsRjoKkx0dLUQz5PEFntWUZcR4A0DYdtQ9+VTx5Rq4e4XsRVp+4KZb4cwpDfzPABCZA==" \
--header "X-Nonce-Str: VYNknZohxwicZMaWbNdBKUrnrxDtaRhN" \
--header "X-Timestamp: 1527407052" \
--data "{
\"addressLine1\": \"gugusan melur\",
\"city\": \"petaling jaya\",
\"country\": \"malaysia.\",
\"name\": \"yussuf\",
\"countryCode\": \"60\",
\"phoneNumber\": \"176473298\",
\"postCode\": \"47810\",
\"state\": \"selangor\"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
item | Object[] | Array of store object | (Refer to explanation below) |
code | String | Successfully call this endpoint. If fail, will return error code object (Refer Appendix 1: Error Codes ) | "SUCCESS" |
Array of store object (item):
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
id | String | Store ID | "6170506694335521334" |
merchantSettlementId | String | Linkage with payment settlement account | |
name | String | Store Name | "REVENUE MONSTER" |
addressLine1 | String | Store Address 1 | "B-5-30, 5th Floor, Block Bougainvillea," |
addressLine2 | String | Store Address 2 | "PJU 6A, Lebuhraya SPRINT, 10 Boulevard," |
postCode | String | Postcode of store | "47400" |
city | String | City of store | "Petaling Jaya" |
state | String | State of store | "Selangor" |
country | String | Country of store | "Malaysia" |
countryCode | String | Country code of store contact number | "60" |
phoneNumber | String | Phone number of store | "377334080" |
geoLocation | Object of [Float] | Geo Location (latitude and longitude) of store | {"latitude": 3.1349857, "longitude": 101.6136659 } |
status | String | Current status of store | "ACTIVE" |
isDefault | String | Default store of merchant (first store created upon signup) | true |
createdAt | DateTime | Creation date time of store | "2018-02-12T08:53:13Z" |
updatedAt | DateTime | Last update date time of store | "2018-02-12T08:53:13Z" |
Example Response
"item": {
"id": "1662168764176583360",
"name": "yussuf",
"addressLine1": "GUGUSAN MELUR",
"addressLine2": "",
"postCode": "47810",
"city": "PETALING JAYA",
"state": "SELANGOR",
"country": "MALAYSIA.",
"countryCode": "60",
"phoneNumber": "176473298",
"geoLocation": {
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0
"status": "ACTIVE",
"createdAt": "2018-05-27T17:24:06.501633Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-05-27T17:24:06.501634Z"
"code": "SUCCESS"