Enroll User
Method : POST
URL : https://open.revenuemonster.my/v3/vop/enroll-user
Sandbox URL : https://sb-open.revenuemonster.my/v3/vop/enroll-user
- Enroll user to Visa's VOP with RM.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
userId | String | Yes | Provide a random generated 15 length string | "KCac44i8NmtnUBo" |
cardPan | String | Yes | Card number of the user | "4364484100392449" |
name | String | Yes | Name of the card | "Ambank Visa Infinite" |
notifyUrl | String | Yes | Notify Url | "https://google.com" |
Example Request
curl --location --request POST "https://sb-open.revenuemonster.my/v3/vop/enroll-user" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjIwMTgtMDMtMTMiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJhdWQiOlsiKiJdLCJleHAiOjE1MjE2MjkyNTYsImlhdCI6MTUyMTYyMjA1NywiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9zYi1vYXV0aC5yZXZlbnVlbW9uc3Rlci5teSIsImp0aSI6IkVod0tFRTlCZFhSb1FXTmpaWE56Vkc5clpXNFF5cmYza3EzTDY4QnoiLCJuYmYiOjE1MjE2MjIwNTcsInN1YiI6IkVoUUtDRTFsY21Ob1lXNTBFSlhWemQzd3JhcVRPUklRQ2dSVmMyVnlFSXlKcUl6dnlNUFZjUSJ9.dJknY9MZHLNrKx1p7gZxS0_oA3uXLWplDU1r1dpwxIbmdB6yw4tQBTXKlWArDfKLlBDn6v22_gT5Px7sdCMj7e5M9eRoJoMnoPnslgYpmJJ5kjqAbKU7dUxKb1OzFLrvmtSK9r-FRLVtMFHioWYpwgSvSPBgZ6lAYkUyDzH7aKadFYtQcBuJR0hlq2CXtP0mzbHOeu2q6giONf3E5-XqS8lLRtuHPAbJ7_YFwo0Oe2zc6h05IOocmx_NvBVPfDBnuygTU063h70Q987MYeGDV_Os4N6N_I4b-GoHprEPtmntB1RJPrFrY28hvvoUfDHXHZVXT1GlrsozrkWV4EjbTw" \
--header "X-Signature: sha256 Sty3LNcKA8+WlMHtAgIY+y1xbwnzKsN0UdyKaW+yYIgcTkBAtF7G5Lx251qQITURJ4wiXPDODxhs1nFVmBBing==" \
--header "X-Nonce-Str: VYNknZohxwicZMaWbNdBKUrnrxDtaRhN" \
--header "X-Timestamp: 1528450585" \
--data "{
"userId": "KCac44i8NmtnUBo",
"cardPan": "4364484100392449",
"name": "Ambank Visa Infinite",
"notifyUrl": "https://google.com/"
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
item.card.id | String | RM VOP Card ID | "1699331101967521138" |
item.card.userId | String | RM VOP User ID | "1699331101742889953" |
item.card.name | String | Name of the card | "Ambank Visa Infinite" |
item.card.panLastFour | String | Last four number of the card | "2449" |
item.card.type | String | Type of card | "CREDIT" |
item.card.createdAt | String | User Enrolled Time | "2023-11-07T04:25:00Z" |
item.card.updatedAt | String | User Enrolled Time | "2023-11-07T04:25:00Z" |
item.user.id | String | RM VOP User ID | "1699331101742889953" |
item.user.createdAt | String | User Enrolled Time | "2023-11-07T04:25:00Z" |
item.user.updatedAt | String | User Enrolled Time | "2023-11-07T04:25:00Z" |
code | String | Status of the enrollment | "SUCCESS" |
Example Response
"item": {
"card": {
"id": "1699331101967521138",
"userId": "1699331101742889953",
"name": "Ambank Visa Infinite",
"panLastFour": "2449",
"type": "CREDIT",
"createdAt": "2023-11-07T04:25:00Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-11-07T04:25:00Z"
"user": {
"id": "1699331101742889953",
"createdAt": "2023-11-07T04:25:00Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-11-07T04:25:00Z"
"code": "SUCCESS"