Get Profile
Method : GET
Sandbox URL :
Using Query String to Get User Profile by input the country code and phone number
Request Parameters
Example Request
curl --location --request GET "{{open_base_path}}/v3/loyalty/me?countryCode=60&phoneNumber=187824152" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjIwMTgtMy0xOCIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOlsiYXBpX2NsaWVudEBFaGNLQzA5QmRYUm9RMnhwWlc1MEVQZUEyYXJ4dk1PSUZnIl0sImV4cCI6MTU5MzU4MDY0NSwiaWF0IjoxNTkwOTg4NjQ1LCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL29hdXRoLnJldmVudWVtb25zdGVyLm15IiwianRpIjoiRWh3S0VFOUJkWFJvUVdOalpYTnpWRzlyWlc0UXMtNnI5LVgzbElvVyIsIm5iZiI6MTU5MDk4ODY0NSwic3ViIjoiRWhRS0NFMWxjbU5vWVc1MEVMUF9wNlNKNnFQN0ZSSVFDZ1JWYzJWeUVPaXZfb1dKNnFQN0ZRIn0.RKtXykw3y0ov3mKKa_K2h5FZB2jXtqf3gNRwwnzzA4xTMdY09mEHlFupMeUmchFW2XHYK254LdMYbF4ZhjxK9K51UUdQBYH-zZpo0WWtPSZqrPGtT-c4z_sEO73EDVcek3rDwyWiXvjSKDpsZM7NOdKRm5tvT3qNK-7C7WMUjSXDcBzbTFhwfOAOO1n-wMR9H_w0DuIE-yMjEZkOdt7GUIBC8F5izATlZH0FRTx4VAwQWY4gjjQ9-3PbUbHx-NKiFXwCOAsxu-79PiF0HDEHb6ZOCGywNmKuanEXqLonli0caZiUZfrdT53y3Xnd3W2SEr6s7ZQxWnQO5PeOU7BQYA" \
--header "X-Signature: sha256 bFGc2JOEFqdI91DE5VXYBUllr+9DHcrrylRFU3i1r72aPmJreljn0dU+nwPSwTH/dTQUiZ9C2aQSF8AuT959EW4WEyEZ6VWgt9gCyZaU/bcOQ/ZIhKc06+uwzivVhAzpbUtG5tm5/sBp4ig6Sk7L6SE0Ecu6Tm0FhYl0qdgZvrTh4EEpLs3kHIuYL9QXKJILfKlu4gTX1Exrt7nNyEr8ndeUMaKYrj3FckMbRtmCwc829SsVp6FAgvoDPnguUJ+VjLF1e9NXhar2JwYjuqMkwsmUWRDbittqCgCCfaPF8anarlLsoXbdYEa7bp9BYp2U/Dw3Xd2MlamEZSR8H+Dosw==" \
--header "X-Nonce-Str: VYNknZohxwicZMaWbNdBKUrnrxDtaRhN" \
--header "X-Timestamp: 1528450585" \
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
item | Object | Profile object | (Refer to explanation below) |
code | String | Successfully call this endpoint. If fail, will return error code object (Refer Appendix 1: Error Codes ) | "SUCCESS" |
Profile object (item):
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
id | String | Profile ID | "" |
key | String | Profile Key (Internal Usage) | "EhIKBk1lbWJlchDOuOKz24XWkg4SGQoNTWVtYmVyUHJvZmlsZRDl-MTxiPOPjzY" |
name | String | Profile name | "yussuf" |
email | String | Profile email | "" |
nric | String | IC Number | "" |
birthDate | String | User Birth Date (YYYY:MM:DD) | "0001-01-01" |
gender | String | Gender | "" |
address | Object | Refer to explanation below | (Refer to explanation below) |
memberTier | String | Member Tier Point | null |
totalLoyaltyPoint | Uint | Total Loyalty Point | 0 |
hasPinCode | Bool | User Pin | false |
loyaltyPointBalance | Uint | Total Point Balance left | 0 |
spendingPoint | Uint | Point Spend | 0 |
creditBalance | Uint | Credit Balance | 10160 |
status | String | Profile Status | "ACTIVE" |
createdAt | DateTime | Creation date time | "2018-10-19T03:39:47Z" |
updatedAt | DateTime | Last update date time | "2020-06-29T10:14:33Z" |
Address object:
Parameter | Type | Description | Example |
addressLine1 | String | Address 1 | "" |
addressLine2 | String | Address 2 | "" |
postcode | String | Postcode | "" |
city | String | City | "" |
state | String | State | "" |
country | String | Country | "" |
Example Response
"item": {
"id": "",
"key": "EhIKBk1lbWJlchDOuOKz24XWkg4SGQoNTWVtYmVyUHJvZmlsZRDl-MTxiPOPjzY",
"name": "yussuf",
"email": "",
"nric": "",
"birthDate": "0001-01-01",
"gender": "",
"address": {
"addressLine1": "",
"addressLine2": "",
"postcode": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"country": ""
"memberTier": null,
"totalLoyaltyPoint": 0,
"hasPinCode": false,
"loyaltyPointBalance": 0,
"spendingPoint": 0,
"creditBalance": 10160,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"createdAt": "2018-10-19T03:39:47Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-06-29T10:14:33Z"
"code": "SUCCESS"